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"Allocation" vs. "allotment": unpacking words of distribution

Lloyd Cooper 03/10/2024, 23:13
English.me team member
Allocation and allotment. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both words involve the distribution or assignment of resources or tasks to different entities or people.

What is different?

Allocation often refers to the process or act of distributing resources according to a system or plan, while allotment can imply a portion or share given for a specific purpose or to a particular person.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for allocation) and allotment

Examples of usage

  • The allocation of funds was decided by the board of directors.
  • We need to optimize the allocation of resources for this project.
  • Each family received an allotment of land to cultivate.
  • The team's time allotment for the presentation was extended.