Your statistics
You know 0 English words

You were correct 0% of the time,
that's better than 0% of our users

Your play count by games:
0 plays
0 plays
0 plays
0 plays
0 plays
0 plays

Words that need some refreshing
These are the words that you have identified incorrectly in your recent games. You will encounter them again in your next games, but in the meantime, it's a good idea to try and learn their meanings.
You haven't made a mistake yet! Keep playing!

Your full playing history (0 words)
Nothing to see here. Start playing!
Your playing learning chart

The rarest words you know
These words are sorted by their popularity score. The percentage number shows how popular the word is. For example, if the percentage of the first word in this list is 4%, it means the rarest word you have guessed correctly in our games is in the top 4% of the most used English words.
You have no correct guesses yet. Keep playing!