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"Astonishing" vs. "amazing": are they really synonyms?

Anwar Kareem 30/09/2024, 08:18
English.me team member
Amazing and astonishing. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both words describe something that causes great surprise or wonder.

What is different?

Amazing is more commonly used in casual conversation, while astonishing can imply a stronger or more formal level of surprise.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for amazing) and astonishing

Examples of usage

  • The view from the mountaintop was amazing.
  • She did an amazing job on the project.
  • It's amazing how quickly technology advances.
  • The magician's tricks were absolutely astonishing.
  • It was astonishing to see such a huge crowd at the event.
  • Her recovery from the illness was truly astonishing.