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"Dawn" vs. "daylight": a light exploration

Lloyd Cooper 03/10/2024, 18:56
English.me team member
Daylight and dawn. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "daylight" and "dawn" relate to the natural cycle of light and are associated with the daytime. They both signify times of the day when light is present as opposed to night.

What is different?

"Daylight" refers to the period in a day when there is natural light from the sun, between sunrise and sunset. "Dawn" specifically denotes the time of morning when light first appears in the sky before the sunrise.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for daylight) and dawn

Examples of usage

  • We went hiking during daylight so we wouldn't get lost.
  • The crime was committed in broad daylight.
  • Daylight saving time starts in the spring.
  • We woke up at dawn to watch the sunrise.
  • The new era of technology began with the dawn of the internet.
  • She had to leave before dawn to catch her flight.