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"Hubris" vs. "arrogance": a tale of two egos

Lloyd Cooper 02/10/2024, 18:18
English.me team member
Hubris and arrogance. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "hubris" and "arrogance" refer to an excessively high opinion of oneself.

What is different?

"Hubris" often implies a sense of pride that leads to downfall, typically in a classical or moral context, while "arrogance" is more generally used to describe an overbearing sense of superiority.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for hubris) and arrogance

Examples of usage

  • His hubris led him to underestimate his opponents, resulting in a humiliating defeat.
  • The ancient hero's hubris was his tragic flaw.
  • Her arrogance made it difficult for others to work with her.
  • He was criticized for his arrogance when he dismissed the concerns of others.