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The fiery debate: "infernal" vs. "demonic"

Lloyd Cooper 03/10/2024, 12:35
English.me team member
Infernal and demonic. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both words relate to hellish or evil qualities, often used to describe something malicious or terrifying.

What is different?

Infernal is more focused on things relating to hell or fiery environments, whereas demonic specifically pertains to demons or evil spirits.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for infernal) and demonic

Examples of usage

  • The infernal heat of the desert was unbearable.
  • An infernal racket kept everyone in the neighborhood awake all night.
  • The haunted house was said to be possessed by a demonic presence.
  • Her laughter had a demonic tone that sent shivers down my spine.