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"Memo" vs. "message": the battle of conveying information

Lloyd Cooper 04/10/2024, 01:45
English.me team member
Memo and message. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "memo" and "message" refer to forms of communication or information sharing, typically involving written or electronic formats. They are used to convey information from one party to another.

What is different?

A "memo" is usually a formal internal document used within an organization to communicate policies, updates, or information to employees, whereas a "message" is a broader term that can refer to any communication between parties, formal or informal, and can be transmitted in various mediums such as text, email, or verbal.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for memo) and message

Examples of usage

  • The manager sent out a memo to all employees about the new policy changes.
  • Please read the memo on the notice board for important updates.
  • The memo outlined the agenda for the upcoming meeting.
  • I received a message from John about the party tonight.
  • She left a message on his voicemail.
  • Please pass this message to the rest of the team.