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"Metropolitan" vs. "cosmopolitan": urban vocabulary

Anwar Kareem 10/10/2024, 03:33
English.me team member
Metropolitan and cosmopolitan. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "metropolitan" and "cosmopolitan" relate to cities and urban life. They share connotations of diversity, culture, and sophistication. Both words are often used to describe places or people characterized by a wide variety of influences and experiences.

What is different?

Metropolitan refers specifically to characteristics of a large city or urban area and its surroundings. Cosmopolitan implies an international or multicultural influence, a worldly and open-minded view, often associated with a mix of global elements.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for metropolitan) and cosmopolitan

Examples of usage

  • The metropolitan area has a population of over 10 million people.
  • Public transportation in the metropolitan region is highly developed.
  • She lives in a metropolitan city with a vibrant nightlife.
  • His cosmopolitan background allowed him to adapt quickly to new cultures.
  • She has a cosmopolitan palate, enjoying cuisines from all over the world.
  • Paris is often regarded as a cosmopolitan city, attracting people from across the globe.