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"Panoramic" vs. "scenic": a journey through words with a view

Lloyd Cooper 02/10/2024, 21:58
English.me team member
Panoramic and scenic. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both refer to views or landscapes that are visually appealing and expansive.

What is different?

Panoramic implies wide, unbroken views often covering a large area, while scenic implies beauty and aesthetic charm regardless of breadth.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for panoramic) and scenic

Examples of usage

  • The panoramic view from the mountaintop was breathtaking.
  • She captured a panoramic photo of the city skyline.
  • The hotel's rooftop offers a panoramic perspective of the ocean.
  • We took the scenic route through the countryside.
  • The scenic landscape was dotted with wildflowers.
  • The scenic beauty of the park attracts many visitors.