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"Robust" vs. "strong": untangling two mighty words

Lloyd Cooper 29/09/2024, 23:57
English.me team member
Robust and strong. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "robust" and "strong" describe something with great strength, durability, or resilience.

What is different?

"Robust" often implies sturdiness and the ability to withstand difficult conditions, while "strong" more broadly describes physical power, effectiveness, or intensity.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for robust) and strong

Examples of usage

  • The robust economy weathered the recession well.
  • He has a robust build that's suited for heavy labor.
  • They developed a robust system to prevent hacking.
  • She has strong opinions about politics.
  • A strong wind blew through the valley.
  • The strong foundation ensured the building's stability.