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"Street" and "avenue": what sets them apart

Anwar Kareem 07/12/2024, 13:05
English.me team member
Street and avenue. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "street" and "avenue" are types of roadways found in urban areas used for transportation. They are public thoroughfares where vehicles and pedestrians travel and are commonly used in addresses to identify locations.

What is different?

A "street" is a general term referring to a paved public thoroughfare in a town or city, often lined with buildings. An "avenue" usually implies a wider road that often runs perpendicular to streets and may be tree-lined to indicate formality or importance.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for street) and avenue

Examples of usage

  • She walked down the quiet street toward the park.
  • The street was lined with charming boutiques and cafés.
  • They bought a new house on Elm Street.
  • The parade marched down the main avenue.
  • Their office is located on Fifth Avenue.
  • The avenue was illuminated with festive lights during the holidays.