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Unveiling the plot: "synopsis" vs. "recap"

Lloyd Cooper 01/10/2024, 15:07
English.me team member
Synopsis and recap. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "synopsis" and "recap" involve summarizing content, condensing main points for easier understanding.

What is different?

"Synopsis" is often used for a detailed summary or overview, typically of a book, movie, or article. "Recap" is usually a brief summary, often used for episodes of TV shows or meetings.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for synopsis) and recap

Examples of usage

  • The synopsis of the book provides a good overview of the main plot and characters.
  • Before watching the movie, I read a synopsis to get an idea of the storyline.
  • Here's a quick recap of what happened in last week's episode.
  • The team leader gave a recap of the meeting for those who couldn't attend.