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Exploring the distinction and overlap between "trend" and "style"

Anwar Kareem 29/09/2024, 10:01
English.me team member
Trend and style. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both words relate to prevailing ways of doing things, often in fashion, design, or behavior.

What is different?

Trend refers to a general direction in which something is developing or changing, focusing on popularity over time. Style refers to a specific mode of expression or design, often associated with individual choice or aesthetic criteria.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for trend) and style

Examples of usage

  • The current trend in technology is leaning heavily towards artificial intelligence.
  • There is a growing trend of remote work in many industries.
  • Her style is unique and easily recognizable.
  • The house was renovated in a modern style.