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"Vocabulary" vs "Glossary": bridging words and definitions

Anwar Kareem 04/10/2024, 12:09
English.me team member
Vocabulary and glossary. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both words relate to collections of words and definitions. They are used to understand and clarify language.

What is different?

A vocabulary is a set of familiar words within a language, often more general and personal. A glossary is a list of terms with definitions, usually found at the end of a book, focused on specific subject terminology.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for vocabulary) and glossary

Examples of usage

  • She has an extensive vocabulary in English.
  • Improving vocabulary is essential for learning a new language.
  • The glossary helped me understand the technical terms in the book.
  • You can find the definitions in the glossary at the end of the document.