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From bulk to boutique: "wholesaler" vs. "retailer"

Lloyd Cooper 11/10/2024, 22:55
English.me team member
Wholesaler and retailer. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "wholesaler" and "retailer" are terms used in the supply chain to describe types of sellers who distribute goods.

What is different?

Wholesalers sell products in large quantities, typically to retailers or other businesses, and usually do not sell directly to the end consumer. Retailers sell products directly to the end consumer and often in smaller quantities.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for wholesaler) and retailer

Examples of usage

  • The wholesaler supplied five different stores with the latest electronic gadgets.
  • As a wholesaler, she deals in bulk quantities of agricultural produce.
  • The retailer introduced a new line of organic products in their shop.
  • Many retailers offer discounts during the holiday season to attract more customers.