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"Wonderful" vs. "beautiful": exploring the shades of delight

Anwar Kareem 11/10/2024, 14:27
English.me team member
Wonderful and beautiful. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "wonderful" and "beautiful" are adjectives that describe something positive or pleasing. They can be used to express admiration or approval.

What is different?

"Wonderful" typically refers to something that inspires wonder or delight due to its admirable qualities or effects, while "beautiful" is more specifically related to aesthetic appeal and physical attractiveness.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for wonderful) and beautiful

Examples of usage

  • The view from the top of the mountain was absolutely wonderful.
  • We had a wonderful time on our vacation.
  • She is a wonderful cook.
  • The sunset over the ocean was breathtakingly beautiful.
  • Her dress was beautifully designed.
  • It's a beautiful day outside.