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The singular misstep: why "a women" is not correct

Reviewed and edited by Anwar Kareem 07/10/2024, 15:58
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

A women or a woman. What's correct?

It is a grammatical error involving the use of an incorrect indefinite article with a plural noun.

Why do people make this mistake?

People may mistakenly use "a women" because they confuse the plural form "women" with the singular form "woman", or they may not be fully aware of the singular and plural distinction between "woman" and "women".

What is correct?

The correct form is "a woman". "A" is an indefinite article used with singular nouns, so it should only be paired with the singular noun "woman".

Examples of correct usage

  • She is a woman with great leadership qualities.
  • I saw a woman walking her dog.
  • A woman entered the room quietly.

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