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The grammar mistake in "ask help"

Reviewed and edited by Anwar Kareem 27/11/2024, 02:52
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Ask help or ask for help. What's correct?

This is a grammatical error involving the omission of the preposition "for". In standard English usage, the verb "ask" requires the preposition "for" when requesting something, so the correct phrase is "ask for help".

Why do people make this mistake?

People often make this error because in some languages, the equivalent expression for requesting assistance doesn't use a preposition. Non-native English speakers may directly translate phrases from their own language to English without adding "for", leading to this common mistake.

What is correct?

The correct phrase is "ask for help", which includes the preposition "for" to link the verb "ask" with the noun "help".

Examples of correct usage

  • Please ask for help if you need it.
  • She decided to ask for help from her mentor.
  • They should ask for help when they don't understand the instructions.

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