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The cosmic confusion behind "constellation prize"

Lloyd Cooper 11/10/2024, 01:16
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Constellation prize or consolation prize. What's correct?

This is a malapropism, where a similar-sounding incorrect word or phrase is used instead of the correct one.

Why do people make this mistake?

People make this error because the word "constellation" sounds similar to the correct word "consolation", leading to confusion. Such errors are common as they rely on phonetic similarity and are often used in speech.

What is correct?

The correct term is "consolation prize", which refers to an award given to someone who did not win, intended to console or comfort them.

Examples of correct usage

  • She won a consolation prize for finishing in third place.
  • Even though he didn't win the tournament, the committee awarded him a consolation prize.
  • The contestant received a consolation prize, which helped soften the disappointment of not winning.