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Why "contains of" is an linguistic slip: the art of precise language use

Anwar Kareem 06/10/2024, 23:17
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Contains of or consists of. What's correct?

It's a grammatical error related to the incorrect use of phrase construction in English.

Why do people make this mistake?

People often make this error because they try to construct a phrase that combines elements typically not used together in English. The phrase "contains of" mistakenly attempts to pair "contains," a transitive verb that directly takes an object, with "of," a preposition, which is unnecessary and incorrect in this context.

What is correct?

The correct alternative is "consists of" when you want to talk about the components or elements making up something. "Contains" is used without "of" to indicate inclusion or holding within.

Examples of correct usage

  • The committee consists of ten members.
  • The package consists of several small boxes.
  • The drink contains sugar and milk.
  • The box contains various tools.