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The grammar crime of "he plead": understanding the past tense mistake

Lloyd Cooper 06/10/2024, 11:08
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

He plead or he pleaded. What's correct?

Verb tense agreement error

Why do people make this mistake?

People often make this error because they confuse the verb "plead" with irregular verbs that do not follow the standard "-ed" past tense rule, or because they are influenced by the common misconception that the past tense of "plead" sounds like similar irregular verbs such as "lead" (led) or "read" (pronounced "red").

What is correct?

The correct past tense form of "plead" in American English is "pleaded". However, in legal contexts, "pled" is also commonly accepted.

Examples of correct usage

  • He pleaded guilty to the charges.
  • She pleaded with him to stay.
  • The lawyer pleaded the case passionately.