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Small word, big mistake: the "miniscule" error

Lloyd Cooper 25/11/2024, 09:01
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Miniscule or minuscule. What's correct?

It's a spelling error.

Why do people make this mistake?

People often assume the word is related to the prefix "mini-" meaning small, leading them to spell it as "miniscule". In reality, "minuscule" is derived from the Latin word "minus" meaning "less", which is why the correct spelling includes a "u" after the "n".

What is correct?

The correct spelling is "minuscule", which is an adjective meaning extremely small or tiny.

Examples of correct usage

  • The chances of winning the lottery are minuscule.
  • Scientists observed the minuscule organisms under the microscope.
  • She received a minuscule amount of compensation for her efforts.