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The linguistic misstep: avoiding the "one of most" blunder

Anwar Kareem 03/10/2024, 05:04
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

One of most or one of the most. What's correct?

The phrase "one of most" is a grammatical error because it lacks the necessary article "the" to correctly form the superlative phrase. The correct form should be "one of the most."

Why do people make this mistake?

People might omit "the" due to a misunderstanding of the rules surrounding superlatives or in an attempt to shorten the phrase, especially in informal contexts or when typing quickly.

What is correct?

The correct form includes "the" to properly introduce the superlative adjective: "one of the most." This structure highlights a specific subset within a group that demonstrates a characteristic to a high degree.

Examples of correct usage

  • This is one of the most beautiful beaches I have ever seen.
  • She is one of the most talented musicians in the world.
  • This is one of the most challenging problems we have faced.