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Why "temporary closed" is incorrect and what to use instead

Anwar Kareem 01/12/2024, 17:32
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Temporary closed or temporarily closed. What's correct?

It's a grammatical error related to the incorrect use of an adjective.

Why do people make this mistake?

People may confuse the adjective "temporary" with the adverb "temporarily". They mistakenly use "temporary", an adjective, to modify the adjective "closed", when they actually need "temporarily", an adverb, to describe the state of being "closed".

What is correct?

The correct form is "temporarily closed". This is because "temporarily" is an adverb that modifies the adjective "closed", indicating the duration of the closure.

Examples of correct usage

  • The store is temporarily closed for renovations.
  • The road is temporarily closed due to an accident.
  • The service is temporarily unavailable.