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Explaining “A bad workman blames his tools”

Anwar Kareem 18/11/2024, 15:26
English.me team member

What does it mean?

A bad workman blames his tools

The phrase means that a person who lacks skill or competence blames external factors, like their tools, instead of accepting responsibility for their own inadequacies.




The phrase has been in use since at least the 13th century, with variations in several languages. It suggests a longstanding observation of human behavior, where people often blame external factors for their failures.

Examples of usage

  • When the project failed, instead of admitting he didn't plan well, John just said that the computer software was faulty. A classic case of a bad workman blames his tools.
  • She couldn't hit the target and kept saying the arrows weren't good enough, but we all knew it was a situation of a bad workman blames his tools.