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Explaining “Barking dogs seldom bite”

Lloyd Cooper 07/10/2024, 19:52
English.me team member

What does it mean?

Barking dogs seldom bite

The phrase "Barking dogs seldom bite" suggests that people who make a lot of noise or threats are unlikely to take action. It implies that those who are aggressive or outspoken may not actually be dangerous or harmful.




This proverb has been around for centuries and is believed to have originated in English-speaking cultures. It is a metaphor derived from the observation of dogs: those that bark a lot often do not pose a real threat.

Examples of usage

  • He talks a lot about punishing those who disagree with him, but don't worry, barking dogs seldom bite.
  • Although she always threatens to quit whenever she's upset, she never does. Barking dogs seldom bite.