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Explaining “Denial is not a river in Egypt”

Lloyd Cooper 07/10/2024, 11:54
English.me team member

What does it mean?

Denial is not a river in Egypt

The phrase "Denial is not a river in Egypt" is a play on words, using the homophone "Denial" for "the Nile," which is a well-known river in Egypt. The phrase humorously highlights the psychological defense mechanism where someone refuses to accept reality or facts.


Humorous, playful, and sometimes slightly sarcastic.


The phrase is a modern English pun and does not have a specific origin but is a clever twist on words intended to point out someone's denial using a humorous comparison.

Examples of usage

  • When Jeff insisted he wasn't upset after losing the game, his friend said, "Remember, denial is not a river in Egypt."
  • Even though all the evidence pointed to the contrary, she was in complete denial. As her colleague joked, "Denial is not a river in Egypt, you know."