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Explaining “No pain, no gain”

Lloyd Cooper 01/10/2024, 01:29
English.me team member

What does it mean?

No pain, no gain

The phrase "No pain, no gain" suggests that effort and hard work, often involving discomfort or difficulty, are necessary to achieve success or improvement, especially in physical fitness and personal growth.




The phrase is believed to have originated in the 1980s in the fitness world, though its roots can be traced back to earlier forms in religious and philosophical teachings emphasizing the value of enduring hardships.

Examples of usage

  • She reminded herself "No pain, no gain" as she pushed through the final miles of her marathon training.
  • The coach encouraged his players with the motto "No pain, no gain" to inspire them during their tough practice sessions.
  • Whenever he felt like giving up, he would think of the phrase "No pain, no gain" to keep himself motivated.