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Explaining “One hand washes the other”

Anwar Kareem 01/10/2024, 11:46
English.me team member

What does it mean?

One hand washes the other

The phrase "One hand washes the other" means that people work together or help each other, often for mutual benefit. It suggests that cooperation and mutual support bring positive outcomes.




This phrase can be traced back to ancient Rome, as "Manus manum lavat", a quote attributed to the philosopher Seneca. It was popularized in the English-speaking world much later, capturing the idea of mutual benefits and assistance.

Examples of usage

  • I'll help you with your project if you help me with mine—one hand washes the other.
  • In business, networking is key; one hand washes the other.
  • They helped each other succeed because they knew that one hand washes the other.