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Explaining “Seek and ye shall find”

Lloyd Cooper 08/10/2024, 11:17
English.me team member

What does it mean?

Seek and ye shall find

"Seek and ye shall find" is a phrase suggesting that if you actively look for something, you are likely to discover or achieve it. It encourages effort and perseverance in the pursuit of knowledge or goals.


Encouraging and optimistic


This phrase originates from the Bible, specifically from the King James Version of Matthew 7:7: "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."

Examples of usage

  • If you are unsure about your career path, seek and ye shall find; explore different options until you discover your passion.
  • In times of doubt, remember the saying: seek and ye shall find. Keep searching for answers and you will eventually find clarity.
  • She was feeling lost, but her mother reminded her: seek and ye shall find. With determination, she found her way.