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Explaining “When it rains it pours”

Anwar Kareem 09/10/2024, 06:34
English.me team member

What does it mean?

When it rains it pours

The phrase "When it rains, it pours" means that when one bad thing happens, it often seems that many other bad things occur in rapid succession as well.


Cautious and somewhat pessimistic, often suggesting an overwhelming or uncontrollable situation.


The phrase originates from a slogan for Morton Salt, which advertised that their salt would pour freely even in rainy weather. Over time, it took on a metaphorical meaning related to the clustering of difficulties.

Examples of usage

  • I missed the bus, then my phone stopped working, and finally I spilled coffee on my shirt—it's true what they say, when it rains, it pours.
  • After months of no job offers, I suddenly got three interviews in one week! When it rains, it pours.