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"Alacrity" vs. "swiftness": more than speed

Lloyd Cooper 16/11/2024, 13:30
English.me team member
Alacrity and swiftness. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "alacrity" and "swiftness" convey a sense of speed or quickness.

What is different?

"Alacrity" typically emphasizes eagerness or cheerful readiness, while "swiftness" focuses on the pace or speed at which something happens.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for alacrity) and swiftness

Examples of usage

  • She accepted the invitation with alacrity.
  • He approached the project with alacrity, eager to get started.
  • The team responded to the challenge with alacrity, ready to prove themselves.
  • The swiftness of the cheetah amazed everyone.
  • She completed the task with impressive swiftness.
  • The swiftness of the river's current was daunting.