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"Cautious" vs. "prudent": comparing careful choices

Anwar Kareem 24/11/2024, 03:35
English.me team member
Cautious and prudent. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "cautious" and "prudent" describe a careful approach to actions and decisions, often to avoid risk or negative outcomes.

What is different?

While "cautious" generally emphasizes avoiding danger or risk with careful actions, "prudent" often highlights wisdom and foresight in managing resources or making decisions.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for cautious) and prudent

Examples of usage

  • She was cautious when crossing the busy street.
  • The investor took a cautious approach to diversify his portfolio.
  • Parents are usually cautious about their children's safety.
  • His prudent financial planning ensured a secure retirement.
  • It was prudent to save some money for unexpected expenses.
  • The council made a prudent decision to invest in sustainable energy.