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Balancing "enough" and "sufficient": a word comparison

Anwar Kareem 21/11/2024, 11:33
English.me team member
Enough and sufficient. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "enough" and "sufficient" refer to an adequate amount or degree of something, indicating that a particular need or requirement is met.

What is different?

The word "enough" is more informal and can function as an adverb, pronoun, or adjective, while "sufficient" is typically used as an adjective and is more formal. "Enough" is often used in everyday speech, whereas "sufficient" is more common in formal writing.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for enough) and sufficient

Examples of usage

  • She didn't have enough time to finish the project.
  • Is there enough food for everyone?
  • He ran fast enough to win the race.
  • The evidence provided was not sufficient to convict him.
  • We have sufficient funds to complete the construction.
  • The explanation is sufficient for understanding the basics.