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Comparing the fabric of "garment" and "apparel"

Lloyd Cooper 30/11/2024, 06:08
English.me team member
Garment and apparel. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "garment" and "apparel" refer to items of clothing worn on the body.

What is different?

"Garment" typically denotes an individual piece of clothing, while "apparel" refers to clothing collectively or in a commercial context.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for garment) and apparel

Examples of usage

  • She ironed each garment before hanging them in the closet.
  • The designer unveiled a new garment at the fashion show.
  • He purchased a warm garment for the winter season.
  • The store offers a wide range of sports apparel.
  • Apparel for the event must adhere to the dress code.
  • She works for a company that manufactures children's apparel.