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"Indistinguishable" vs. "identical": same or just similar?

Lloyd Cooper 30/09/2024, 20:12
English.me team member
Indistinguishable and identical. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both words imply that there is no detectable difference between two or more items.

What is different?

Indistinguishable means not able to be identified as different, but may not be exactly the same; identical means exactly the same in every detail.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for indistinguishable) and identical

Examples of usage

  • The twins were indistinguishable to most people.
  • The fake painting was indistinguishable from the original at first glance.
  • The two statements are identical in meaning.
  • She wore an identical dress to the one she had last year.