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"Pitiful" vs. "lamentable": shades of sorrow in language

Lloyd Cooper 14/10/2024, 05:54
English.me team member
Pitiful and lamentable. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "pitiful" and "lamentable" describe situations or conditions that evoke a sense of sadness, sympathy, or disappointment. They both convey a negative connotation.

What is different?

"Pitiful" often emphasizes the sense of compassion or sympathy someone might feel towards a situation or person, while "lamentable" tends to stress the regret or unfortunate nature of a situation. "Pitiful" is more about the emotional response, whereas "lamentable" is more about the objective assessment.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for pitiful) and lamentable

Examples of usage

  • The orphaned puppy looked pitiful in the cold rain.
  • Her timid plea for help was a pitiful sight.
  • It was pitiful to see such talent go unnoticed.
  • The lack of funding for the arts is truly lamentable.
  • It is lamentable that so many people remain without basic healthcare.
  • The decision to close the library was lamentable.