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"Presence" vs. "existence": the subtle nuances of being

Anwar Kareem 09/10/2024, 01:09
English.me team member
Presence and existence. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both can refer to the state of something being in a particular place or reality.

What is different?

Presence often refers to someone or something being in a specific location or context at a certain time. Existence refers more broadly to the state of being real or having reality, without specifying location or time.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for presence) and existence

Examples of usage

  • The presence of the police made everyone feel safer.
  • She felt a comforting presence in the room.
  • His presence at the meeting was unexpected.
  • The existence of life on other planets is still a mystery.
  • Her very existence is a testament to human resilience.
  • The evidence confirmed the existence of the lost city.