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"Refrigerator" and "freezer": comparing the cool companions

Anwar Kareem 12/10/2024, 21:06
English.me team member
Refrigerator and freezer. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "refrigerator" and "freezer" are appliances used for food storage and preservation, utilizing low temperatures to prevent spoilage.

What is different?

A "refrigerator" maintains temperatures above freezing to keep food cool, while a "freezer" maintains temperatures below freezing to store food for longer periods.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for refrigerator) and freezer

Examples of usage

  • I put the milk in the refrigerator to keep it cold.
  • The leftovers are in the refrigerator for you to eat later.
  • We need to buy a new refrigerator because the old one broke down.
  • I need to defrost the chicken from the freezer before cooking.
  • Ice cream is stored in the freezer to prevent it from melting.
  • The freezer is full of frozen vegetables and meats.