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"Spin" vs. "twirl": a whirlwind of words

Anwar Kareem 07/11/2024, 11:16
English.me team member
Spin and twirl. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both words involve rotational movement, often used to describe actions where something turns around an axis or central point.

What is different?

Spin often implies a faster, more continuous motion, while twirl suggests a more graceful, playful or deliberate movement.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for spin) and twirl

Examples of usage

  • The figure skater can spin for several minutes without stopping.
  • He likes to spin stories that captivate his audience.
  • The wheels began to spin rapidly as the car accelerated.
  • She loves to twirl in her new dress.
  • The baton twirler performed a perfect routine.
  • The leaves twirl gently to the ground in the autumn breeze.