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"View" vs. "sight": seeing the subtle differences

Anwar Kareem Today, 10:47
English.me team member
View and sight. What's the difference?

What is similar?

Both "view" and "sight" relate to seeing or perceiving something visually. They can both refer to the perspective or range of vision.

What is different?

The word "view" can refer to both the visual perspective and an opinion or way of considering something. "Sight" is more specific to the act of seeing or the range of vision, and often denotes the ability or the act of seeing something.

Which one is more common?

Internet search results for view) and sight

Examples of usage

  • The view from the top of the mountain was breathtaking.
  • In my view, the proposal makes a lot of sense.
  • The sight of the city skyline at night is beautiful.
  • He regained sight in his right eye after the surgery.