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Common grammatical errors and misspellings

The hidden cost of saying "scotch free"

The hidden cost of saying "scotch free"

04/11/2024, 01:06

People often make this error because "scotch" sounds similar to ... Learn more →

Anticipation awaits: correcting "with baited breath"

Anticipation awaits: correcting "with baited breath"

03/11/2024, 22:50

This error occurs due to confusion between the word "baited" ... Learn more →

Faint praise for "feint praise": a slip of the tongue

Faint praise for "feint praise": a slip of the tongue

03/11/2024, 20:23

People mix up "feint" and "faint" because they sound similar, ... Learn more →

Why "flush out a concept" doesn't hold water

Why "flush out a concept" doesn't hold water

03/11/2024, 18:31

The error occurs because "flush out" and "flesh out" sound ... Learn more →

Why "laying on the couch" doesn't sit right

Why "laying on the couch" doesn't sit right

03/11/2024, 16:16

The error stems from the confusion between the verbs "lay" ... Learn more →

"Wether" or not: clearing up the confusion

"Wether" or not: clearing up the confusion

02/11/2024, 03:50

People often confuse "wether" with "whether" because they sound similar ... Learn more →

Why "I feel badly" doesn't feel right

Why "I feel badly" doesn't feel right

01/11/2024, 09:36

People often use "badly" due to confusion between how verbs ... Learn more →

Why "managable" stands outside the dictionary

Why "managable" stands outside the dictionary

01/11/2024, 07:10

People might drop the "e" mistakenly, as it sounds correct ... Learn more →

Why "receive" isn’t spelled "recieve": a closer look at common confusion

Why "receive" isn’t spelled "recieve": a closer look at common confusion

31/10/2024, 13:56

The confusion between "i" and "e" often stems from the ... Learn more →

Why "expresso" isn't a legit brew

Why "expresso" isn't a legit brew

31/10/2024, 11:57

The error likely arises from the influence of the English ... Learn more →