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"Basterd": the typo that thinks it’s edgy

Reviewed and edited by Lloyd Cooper 06/12/2024, 17:36
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Basterd or bastard. What's correct?

Spelling error

Why do people make this mistake?

People often misspell "bastard" as "basterd" because they spell the word phonetically based on its pronunciation. The ending "-ard" in "bastard" sounds like "-erd" when spoken, leading to the confusion. Additionally, the film title "Inglourious Basterds" intentionally used this spelling as a stylistic choice by director Quentin Tarantino, which may have led some people to the mistaken belief that "basterd" is correct.

What is correct?

The correct spelling is "bastard", which refers to a person born to unmarried parents or is used as an insult depending on context.

Examples of correct usage

  • He felt out of place because he was born a bastard.
  • Don't act like such a bastard towards your friends.

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