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Unlocking the truth: why "key note" is a common mistake

Anwar Kareem 01/10/2024, 04:36
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Key note or keynote. What's correct?

Spelling and usage error

Why do people make this mistake?

People often confuse "key note" with "keynote", as they might consider "key note" to mean an important note. "Keynote" is a single word with a specific meaning related to prominent talks or speeches.

What is correct?

"Keynote" is correct when referring to a main speaker or presentation in a conference or event. It is a compound word that should not be split.

Examples of correct usage

  • The CEO delivered the keynote speech at the conference.
  • Her keynote address focused on innovation and technology.
  • He was invited as the keynote speaker for the seminar.