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Why "more better" isn't better

Reviewed and edited by Anwar Kareem 24/12/2024, 10:18
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

More better or much better. What's correct?

Redundant comparative (double comparative) error

Why do people make this mistake?

People sometimes add "more" before "better" to intensify it, not realizing that "better" is already the comparative form of "good". Using "more" creates a redundancy because "better" already implies "more good".

What is correct?

Use "much better" instead of "more better" to intensify the comparative without redundancy.

Examples of correct usage

  • She feels much better after resting.
  • This new phone is much better than my old one.
  • His performance was much better in the second half of the game.
  • The weather today is much better than yesterday.

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