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The curious misstep: why "since many years" misses the mark

Anwar Kareem 01/10/2024, 07:12
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Since many years or for many years. What's correct?


Why do people make this mistake?

"Since many years" combines "since," which is used with specific points in time, with "many years," which is a period of time. This error arises from confusion about the correct usage of "since" and "for."

What is correct?

Use "for many years" to indicate a duration or "since" with a specific starting point, as in "since 2000."

Examples of correct usage

  • I have lived here for many years.
  • She has worked in the industry for over ten years.
  • He has been studying since 2015.
  • They have been traveling since last summer.