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Why "wreckless" isn't the word for careless driving

Anwar Kareem 24/10/2024, 17:03
English.me team member

What kind of error is it?

Wreckless driving or reckless driving. What's correct?

Spelling error

Why do people make this mistake?

People often confuse the word "wreckless" with "reckless". The error occurs because "wreckless" seems to imply a lack of wrecks, similar to how "reckless" signifies a lack of care or heed.

What is correct?

The correct term is "reckless driving", which means driving with a lack of care or regard for safety.

Examples of correct usage

  • His reckless driving led to a serious accident.
  • She was fined for reckless driving near the school zone.
  • Reckless driving can endanger everyone on the road.