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Explaining “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”

Anwar Kareem 29/09/2024, 16:34
English.me team member

What does it mean?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

The phrase "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" suggests that when people are apart, their feelings for each other grow stronger. Distance and time apart can increase affection because absence heightens appreciation and longing for the other person.


Reflective and sentimental


The phrase is an ancient proverb that indicates a sentiment that was likely expressed throughout history. One of the earliest recorded uses in English was by the poet Thomas Haynes Bayly in the song "Isle of Beauty" in 1844, but the concept has been present in literature for much longer.

Examples of usage

  • After spending a semester abroad, Sarah realized how much she missed her family and friends - absence really did make the heart grow fonder.
  • Despite their busy schedules keeping them apart, the couple found that absence made their hearts grow fonder, and they cherished their time together even more.
  • With each day he spent away from his hometown, Jack felt a growing affection for the familiar places and faces he had known all his life - absence made his heart grow fonder.