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Explaining “As a tree bends, so shall it grow”

Lloyd Cooper 28/09/2024, 18:13
English.me team member

What does it mean?

As a tree bends, so shall it grow

The phrase "As a tree bends, so shall it grow" implies that early influences and experiences shape how something or someone develops over time. Just as the initial direction of a tree’s growth can determine its ultimate shape, experiences and environments during the formative stages of development have a significant impact on the future.




This phrase is metaphorical and seems to originate from observations in nature, though it doesn't have a specific documented origin. It is similar in sentiment to proverbs and sayings that emphasize the impact of early shaping or influences, like "as the twig is bent, so grows the tree."

Examples of usage

  • Parents and teachers hold immense influence in a child's life, as a tree bends, so shall it grow.
  • Organizations should be careful in their early decisions and policies, since as a tree bends, so shall it grow.