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Explaining “The customer is always right”

Lloyd Cooper 30/09/2024, 13:52
English.me team member

What does it mean?

The customer is always right

The phrase "The customer is always right" is a business mantra that emphasizes prioritizing customer satisfaction and accommodating their needs and opinions in order to maintain customer loyalty and trust.


The tone of the phrase is accommodating and customer-centric, reflecting a commitment to excellent service and the belief that customer satisfaction is paramount.


The phrase is often attributed to early 20th-century retailers like Harry Gordon Selfridge, John Wanamaker, and Marshall Field, who popularized customer service principles in their department stores.

Examples of usage

  • Despite the customer's unusual request, the manager decided to honor it, adhering to the principle that "the customer is always right".
  • Our company strives to uphold the idea that "the customer is always right," and we go out of our way to resolve any concerns they may have.
  • Even when customers are mistaken, we treat their feedback seriously because we believe that "the customer is always right".